Kellogg: 740 McKinley Ave Bldg B Kellogg, ID 83837
Pinehurst: 504 N Division Pinehurst, ID 83850
Wallace: 800 Bank Street Wallace, ID 83873
Monday - Friday: 9:00 AM - 6:00 PM
Saturday: 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM (Kellogg)
Saturday: CLOSED (Pinehurst & Wallace)
Sunday: CLOSED
Convenience Packaging
Did you remember to take your medications this morning? Do you spend time each week putting your meds in a pill organizer? We can help save you time and stress with our free packaging service! Just come into the pharmacy (or call) and ask us to package your medications (we package OTC's, too)!
Convenience Packaging is a service we offer at all Kohal Pharmacy locations to help manage your medications and help you to know whether or not you have taken your meds for the day. With convenience packaging, you qualify for free delivery every month and a special monthly discount on our high quality over-the-counter products. With our convenience packaging service you will receive a monthly call to go over your med list. During this call we will update any changes made and contact your Physician for any med refills.
Talk to one of our staff members about getting your meds packaged, today!